Cops and the 99% (March 2012)

On March 1, I’ll be giving a talk in Seattle on the role of the cops in preserving social inequality, and the implications for social movements. The event is at The Wildcat, 1101 23rd Ave, Seattle. It begins at 7pm.

Meanwwhile, here are a couple interviews on similar subjects I did with KBOO:

The Policing of Capitalist Society and the Occupy Movement.” Interview by Bill Resnick. The Old Mole Variety Hour. KBOO 90.7. November 21, 2011.

Cops for Labor?” Interview by Al Bradbury. Labor Radio. KBOO 90.7. November 14, 2011.

And, my essay “Cops for Labor?” is now online: “Cops for Labor?” Dollars and Sense. September/October 2011.

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