Grand Jury Resistance (December 2012)

A few weeks ago I participated in an event called “Our Lips are Sealed” about grand jury resistance and withstanding repression more broadly.

In the course of the day, I spoke on two panels, alongside Dennison Williams (no relation), Richard Brown of the SF8, and the Freedom Archives‘ Claude Marks. It was a great and humbling experience to share the stage with these folks, two of whom have done serious time as political prisoners and one who resisted a grand jury subpoena earlier this year but (so far) remains free.

One can hear audio of from the event at the Radio Autonomia website.

I’ve also written about the grand jury for Counterpunch, earlier in the fall (“A Defense of Contempt: The Kafkaesque Case of Matt Duran.” Counterpunch. October 1-15, 2012. Subscription only; sorry!)

At the time Matt Duran was the only northwest grand jury resistor in prison; since then, Kteeo Olejnik and Maddy Pfeiffer have also been imprisoned for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury looking into the anarchist movement.

For more information on the Northwest Grand Jury, visit the Committee Against Political Repression website:

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