Counterinsurgency and Resistance Ecology (June 1, 2013; Portland)

This Saturday, June 1, I’ll be speaking as part of the Resistance Ecology conference at Portland State University. I’ll be discussing counterinsurgency, its domestic applications, and the implications for social movements. Here are the details:

“Policing and Counterinsurgency”
Saturday, June 1, 11am-11:50
Portland State University

On related subjects:

A New World in Our Hearts has released my essay “Profiles of Provocateurs: Recent Case Studies; Warning Signs; Practical Advice” as a pamphlet. You can also still find the essay online.

I’ve also written some related reviews over the last year or so:

The Politics of Security: Policing, Dictatorships, and Resistance.” Toward Freedom. March 9, 2012. (A review of the collection Anti-Security.)

Weaponizing Anthropology.” Z Magazine. April 2012. (A review of David Price’s book on anthropology and counterinsurgency.)

Power Concedes Nothing.” Z Magazine. October 2012. (A review of Connie Rice’s memoir, a case study in co-optation.)

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