My work has gotten a little attention the past few weeks, with interviews and reviews on a number of topics:
Anarchy! Anarchy?
I did an interview with KBOO about my pamphlet Whither Anarchism? I think the host, Bill Resnick, is more optimistic about the left than I am, but we still had a friendly chat.
Orwell? Orwell!
Two reviews of Between the Bullet and the Lie:
Antoine Capet offers a mostly favorable review, with an exhaustive summary of the collection’s contents. Hans Rollmann at Popmatters offers a more mixed review, and on the whole like Eric Laursen’s Duty to Stand Aside better. (Laursen is a friend, so I don’t mind.)
And then, torture:
Years and year ago I did an interview with Humboldt Grassroots about my short collection Hurt: Notes on Torture in a Modern Democracy. For some reason the interview just ran. Hurt collects short pieces that I wrote alongside American Methods: Torture and the Logic of Domination. It mostly captures the analysis without the gruesome details. American Methods is now out of print, but Hurt is not.