State Violence, Political Repression: Talks, Interviews, Articles (August 2012)


I’m giving three talks in the Northwest over the next few days.

Thursday, August 2, 7:30pm — Left Bank Books, Seattle: I’ll be discussing my latest, Hurt: Torture and the Logic of Domination.

Saturday, August 4, 11:30am — New Directions Fest, Olympia: I’ll be discussing police accountability, police abolition, and questions of movement strategy.

Sunday, August 5, 5pm — Last Word Books, Olympia: Again, I’ll be talking about Hurt.


“Police and the Occupy Movement,” Counterpunch, July 6-8, 2012.

“FBI Targeting People for their Political Views.” PressTV. July 29, 2012.

On Rose City Copwatch: PressTV, July 12, 2012.


My essay “Profiles of Provocateurs” has been reprinted in the book Government Repression, Prisoner Support, edited by Sacramento Prisoner Defense and published by P&L Press.

Aside from that, I’ve written several reviews about state repression over the past few months:

The Black Panthers in Portland.Against the Current. July/August 2012.

The Lives of Sacco and Vanzetti.Toward Freedom. June 12, 2012.

The Politics of Security: Policing, Dictatorships, and Resistance.” Toward Freedom. March 9, 2012.

Prison Blossoms: Anarchist Voices from the American Pastem>.” Toward Freedom. February 1, 2012.

Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism.” Race and Class. October-December 2011.

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