Whither Copwatch?

There’s a good discussion taking place over at the Gathering Forces website about the potential (and the limitations) of Copwatch organizing. I contributed a small piece on my experience doing that work, and my views on why it is important.

Check it out:

Submedia Interview

The latest episode of “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” features an interview with me. I discuss the history of the police, militarization, crowd control, and . . . donuts.

It’s all put in the context of the recent G20 protests, but I actually did the interview months ago.

Watch it here.

Counter-Insurgency and Political Repression

I’m going to be giving a talk on political repression at the “Econvergence” conference, Saturday, October 3, 2009, at the First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon.

I plan to briefly outline the counter-insurgency model, explain its domestic application, and suggest some of the implications for today’s social movements. The discussion will cover some of the history of domestic political repression, the emergence of the counter-insurgency model, its application today both domestically and abroad, and the possible consequences for the environmental and economic justice movements.

My talk will start at 11 a.m., on Saturday, October 3rd, 2009. The church is at SW 12th and Main in downtown Portland.

For more information on the conference, see: http://www.econvergence.org/

Green Scare Talk

A couple months ago I gave a talk in Portland about state repression, and the Green Scare in particular.

The Seattle paper Eat the State! has printed the text of my speech, and you can find it on their website:
“The Green Scare, the State’s Priorities, and Day-to-Day Repression.” Eat the State! June 9, 2009.

To see what Willamette Week had to say about the “Liberating Dissent” event where I gave the speech, go to their site. (You can also see a particularly unflattering picture of me.)

For more on the Green Scare visit greenisthenewred.com

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