Radio Interview (January 2019)

I had a long and wide-ranging conversation with KBOO’s Bill Resnick.  He is particularly worried about a police/military alliance with the extreme right wing.  So we talked about that, police crowd control strategies, and the tensions between reform and abolition.

The interview is divided into three parts.  The first two aired December 31 and January 7.  I assume the final installment will play on January 14.


Video: Orwell and Resistance (Nov. 2018)

Last month I did a pair of public events with Eric Laursen, in which we discussed George Orwell and Alex Comfort, war and peace, blacklists and totalitarianism, his book and mine.

Video from one of those talks, at Red Emma’s in Baltimore, is now online.  I haven’t watched the video, so I can’t speak to its overall quality, but I remember it was a good conversation.  Eric said some smart things, and I did my best to keep up.



Two Talks (October 2018)

I’ll be in Baltimore and Washington, DC this week, giving a pair of talks with Eric Laursen.  We’ll discuss George Orwell and Alex Comfort, war and peace, anarchism and pacifism, honesty and integrity, ethics and politics, and whatever else occurs to us.  Details are below.


Wednesday, October 10, 7pm
Red Emma’s
1225 Cathedral Street

Friday, October 12, 6:30pm
The Potter’s House
1658 Columbia Road NW
Washington, DC

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