I forgot to announce this when it came out, but I wrote a short essay for the Oregon Library Association’s Intellectual Freedom Committee about the stifling effect surveillance has on thought. It draws from my work on Orwell and on my research into the prison system.
Interview on Police History (Feb. 2018)
Kyle Barbour interviewed me for his show Monkeywrench on UC Irvine’s station, KUCI 88.9 FM. We discuss slave patrols, political machines, the Progressive movement, police autonomy, racial profiling, and strategies for abolition.
Orwell in L.A. (January 25, 2018)
Thursday, January 25, I will be reading from my collection Between the Bullet and the Lie: Essays on Orwell at Other Books, 2006 E Cesar E Chavez Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90033. The event will start at 7pm, I’ll read a bit from the book, and then take questions.
Government Misconduct (January 2018)
A few years ago Microcosm published a short collection of my essays and interviews on torture, titled Hurt. Now they are packaging it together with some other works related to government misconduct. Six titles for $20!