Submedia has posted an audio interview, in which I discuss the militarization of the police, community policing, and related topics.
Occupy Oakland: Now in Dutch (12.17)
My review of Mike King’s When Riot Cops Are Not Enough has been translated into Dutch. Pretty much the only thing on the site I can read is this quote from William Burroughs:
“The only way I like to see cops given flowers is in a flower pot from a high window.”
Setting Sights (December 2017)
I have a chapter in the new collection Setting Sights: Histories and Reflections on Community Armed Self Defense. The book, edited by scott crow, features both first-person reflections and historical accounts concerning the use of firearms in a variety of liberation movements, in the U.S. and around the world. My chapter, “Gun Rights are Civil Rights,” is a collaboration with Peter Little, addressing the racist history of gun control legislation.
Repression and Subversion: Review and Interview (November 2017)
Mike King’s book, When Riot Cops Are Not Enough, offers an insightful analysis of the state’s approach to controlling Occupy Oakland. I reviewed the book for Toward Freedom.
Also, there is a short interview with me about policing in Brian Whitney’s new book Subversive: Interviews with Radicals. The book seems, not so much specifically political, as concerned with a whole range of people who fall outside of the mainstream.