Политика обвинения (September 2017)

My essay, “The Politics of Denunciation,” has now been translated into Russian. I can’t speak to the veracity of the translation, and I wonder how it will be understood in such a different context. But apparently my name looks like this: Кристиана Уильямса, which I am happy to have learned.

The essay remains my most controversial work, which is kind of saying something. You can still read it in English at Toward Freedom.

Anarchism (June 2017)

On Wednesday, June 28, noon-1pm, I will be one of the guests on X-Ray radio’s “Group Therapy” program. The topic of the hour is “anarchism.” You can hear it at 107.1 and 91.1 FM in Portland, or 99.9 FM in Vancouver, or at XRAY.fm online.


UPDATE: Here’s a link to the interview. I appeared on the show with Lara Messersmith-Glavin from the Institute for Anarchist Studies and Ayme Ueda of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation.


Also on anarchism, I’ve written a review of Peter Gelderloos’ disappointing new book, Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of State Formation. It’s an ambitious project, and a spectacular failure.


Forthcoming: A Book on Orwell (May 2017)

AK Press just listed Between the Bullet and the Lie, a collection of essays I’ve written about Orwell.

As I write in the introduction:

“Roughly the first half of the book is occupied with my efforts to understand various aspects of Orwell’s outlook—his ethics, his patriotism, his emotional life. The second half attempts to apply his thought to a range of political (and to a lesser degree, literary) questions that trouble us today. My aim has not been to treat him as an oracle issuing sacred decrees, but instead to see how his thought can help us to understand the circumstances in which we find ourselves.”

The book will be out in November, but it’s not too early to order a copy.


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