Reviews, Reviews, Reviews (March 2017)

Three new reviews, each different from the others:

Most substantively, I wrote about Mark Greif’s essay collection Against Everything for Toward Freedom. “Review” might not be the right term, though, since I really use my reading of Greif’s work to launch a broader exploration of the essay form and the ways that readers come to trust or distrust writers.

Less weighty, more fun: At In These Times, I have a review of the Fox series APB, a show about how policing would be done if Steve Jobs were in charge.

And finally, last year I wrote a review of Queering Anarchism for Perspectives on Anarchist Theory (which I also help to edit). The Institute for Anarchist Studies just posted it on the web site.


Film & Discussion (March 17; Portland)

This Friday, March 17, the Portland Mennonite Church will be screening “Do Not Resist,” a documentary about the militarization of the police. I will be speaking on a panel after the movie, along with Katherine McDonnell of the ACLU, and Mireaya Medina from the City of Portland’s Community Oversight Advisory Board.

The church is at 1312 SE 35th.
Doors at 5:30; movie at 6; discussion to follow.

Kiteline Interview (December 16, 2016)


Kiteline, a radio program on prison conditions in Indiana just posted an audio interview with me on their site. We talk about torture, community policing, militarization, police unions, and the emergence of the police as a political power unto themselves.

Indiana University (Dec. 1, 2016)

I’ll be speaking at Indiana University about the history and nature of the police, and the causes of the crisis in policing.

Here are the details:

Thursday, December 1, 2016 — 7pm
Indiana University – Bloomington
Global and International Studies, room 0001

sponsored by Students Against State Violence


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