Interview on Policing (July 2015)

Many weeks ago I gave an interview on the radio program Equal Time for Free Thought. We discussed the history of the police, militarization, social and economic inequality, and (briefly) the role of reason in politics.

The audio file was just posted on their website.

Fury Road (July 2015)

My latest at the Hooded Utilitarian compares the new Mad Max movie to the first Mad Max movie, and considers what post-apocalyptic futures tell us about the apocalyptic present.


Counterinsurgency Interview (June 2015)

The latest Which Side? podcast features Kevin van Meter discussing, among other things, the chapter he contributed to Life During Wartime.

It’s about a very early Green Scare case in which a Long Island radical was brought up on terrorism charges — and ultimately acquitted!  Kevin worked on the defense committee, and talks about what they did, why, and how.

Worth a listen!


Hero Time (May 2015)

My new essay on Hooded Utilitarian looks at time and responsibility in superhero stories, drawing Borges, Nietzsche, Camus, Orwell, Stanley Cavell, and the Zapatistas into the argument.

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