Red Dawn and World War 3 (Oct 2014)

I have a short essay on Hooded Utilitarian about Red Dawn — the original and the remake.  In it, I argue that the politics of the films are more complicated than they first appear, and I ask how it is that we come to interpret political propaganda.

Meanwhile, I’ve written a more straightforward review of the recent World War 3 Illustrated collection.  It appeared in the Progressive Populist last month.

And I’ve written a couple short news notices for  One provides an overview of the July-August Monthly Review, on “surveillance capitalism.”  The other points to the Edge City Collective‘s analysis of the geography of repression in Ferguson.


Ferguson Roundtable (Sept. 2014)

In These Times recently hosted a discussion on police brutality, the Ferguson riots, and the possibilities — and limits — of police reform.  I took part, alongside Frank Chapman, an organizer with the National Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression, Frederick Collins, a Chicago cop and mayoral candidate, and Jessica Stites, ITT‘s web editor and facilitator for the conversation.

The ITT piece follows a similar discussion I was part of on the Marc Steiner Show, and an interview I did with KBOO, both last month.

Ferguson interviews (August 2014)

I gave a couple of interviews on the recent events in Ferguson, and the myriad issues it raised: police violence, racial profiling, zero-tolerance policing, militarization, crowd control, and the various forms resistance can take.

The first was a roundtable discussion on the Marc Steiner Show in Baltimore.  The other guests were a retired cop and a community activist.  The conversation didn’t go the way I expected, in part because no one tried to defend the police, and in part because I was outflanked from the left.

The second was a one-on-one interview with KBOO’s Bill Resnick in Portland.  Among other things we talked about Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s essay in Time, “The Coming Race War Won’t be about Race.”  The interview is titled “Our Enemies in Ferguson,” which I think is pretty clever.

Getting Older (August 2014)

I turned 40 this year, so to get my revenge against time I wrote an essay about adolescence and a short story about middle-aged punks.

The first looks at the superhero tropes in Donnie Darko and The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and considers how they relate to psychosis as well as normal teenage angst.  It ran at The Hooded Utilitarian.

The second is a dialogue about aging and authenticity.  You can find it at

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