Perspectives (August 19, 2014)

I have an article in the latest issue, №27, of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory.  The issue is organized around the theme of strategy and, in it, I discuss the question of leadership, drawing mostly from Orwell’s observations about the Spanish militias.

The journal isn’t online, but if you are in Portland, you can get a copy at the release party on Tuesday August 19.  It’s from 6-8pm at People’s Co-op.  Two of the contributors and one of the editors will be speaking.  The full description (from the IAS site) is below.


Strategy:  A Perspectives on Anarchist Theory Event
hosted by the Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS)

Portland, OR – July 28th, 2014 – Perspectives on Anarchist Theory journal, which has been publishing for over seventeen years and is produced here in Portland, is proud to present an evening with noted scholars and activists Walidah Imarisha, Tamara Lynne, and Lara Messersmith-Glavin. The theme of the evening is ‘strategy’ and will be held at People’s Coop (3029 SE 21st Ave) in the community room on Tuesday, August 19th from 6 – 8 pm.

The evenings featured speakers are:
Walidah Imarisha, speaking on “Sci Fi and Strategy.” Walidah will discuss the ways that visionary science fiction helps us dream up new worlds and create the strategies to bring them into existence.  Walidah is the co-editor of the forthcoming Ocatvia’s Brood:  Science Fiction Stories From Social Justice Movements and is one half of the poetry duo Good Sista/Bad Sista in addition to her organizing work.

Tamara Lynnne, speaking on “Theatre of the Oppressed: Strategies of Transgression,” for which she reflects on her time in India, her work with Theatre of the Oppressed organizers there and lessons for organizing work here at home.  Tamara will draw from her essay “Theatre and the Art of Transgression:  Unlearning the Rules of Engagement” featured in the current issue of Perspectives (No. 27, 2014)

Lara Messersmith-Glavin will introduce the work of the Institute for Anarchist Studies, and the journal Perspectives on Anarchist Theory and will host the event.  Lara is a co-editor of the recent book Life During Wartime: Resisting Counterinsurgency (AK Press: 2013)

The last few issues of Perspectives will be available, including the new Strategy issue, the Care issue, the Movements issue, and the Politics of Climate Change issue.  Also available will be several of the books in the Anarchist Interventions book series co-published with AK Press, including Maia Ramnath’s Decolonizing Anarchism, Harsha Walia’s Undoing Border Imperialism, and Javier Castro’s Imperiled Life:  Revolution Against Climate Catastrophe.

$5 to 25 sliding scale donation, no one turned away for lack of funds.

Security Questions (August 2014)


A short while ago I gave an interview on KBOO about infiltration and provocateurs.  I’ve written about the issue before in my essay “Profiles of Provocateurs.”

I also wrote a short post for DCSC about face paint that confuses facial-recognition software, and what it tells us about the concept of trade-offs.



Writing and Reading (July 2014)

I have an essay on the New Politics website about some of the traps that language creates for us, both as writers and as readers.  I look specifically at what I call troublesome words, words that by origin or connotation carry with them some unintended (and sometimes offensive) meaning.  I wonder aloud what we should do when we encounter them, but don’t offer an answer so much as an approach.

Review: Night Catches Us (July 2014)

I haven’t written much about movies before, but I wrote a review of Night Catches Us for DCSC.

The film is about a group of ex-Panthers, and what happens to them after the decline of the Party.  It also poses some important questions, I think, about the Party’s legacy.

It’s a great film, well worth watching.

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