Speaking in Minneapolis (April 2014)

I’ll be giving two talks in Minneapolis, both relating to Life During Wartime: Resisting Counterinsurgency.

The first is Friday, April 4, 1pm, at the University of Minnesota, Social Science Tower room 614.  I’ll be discussing counterinsurgency, community policing, and the role of social scientists in both.

The second is Saturday, April 5, at 4:30pm, at the Minnehaha Free Space (3747 Minnehaha Avenue).  I’ll be speaking alongside Luce Guillén-Givins (one of the RNC 8, and a contributor to the book), as well as a couple other local activists.

Or, if you can’t make either of the talks, you can still hear me on the radio.  Friday April 4, 9am: I’ll be interviewed on KFAI 90.3fm Mpls/106.7fm St.Paul, online at kfai.org.

Inside Anarchism (February 2014)


My two most recent articles both concern issues internal to the anarchist movement.

One is an essay I wrote for Toward Freedom about call-out culture and the effect it has had on organizing in Portland over the past year.

The other is a reflection on leadership, drawing largely from Orwell’s observations of the militia system in revolutionary Spain.  Titled “‘Strict Discipline Combined with Social Equality’: Orwell on Leadership in the Spanish Militias,” it appears in the new issue of the Institute for Anarchist Studies‘ journal, Perspectives on Anarchist Theory.  (Print only; sorry.)

Two Interviews (January 2014)


Two interviews about repression:

First, I interviewed scott crow about his long and often painful association with an agent provocateur.  scott witnessed the whole trajectory of Brandon Darby’s strange career — from hippy, to ultra-left militant, to FBI informant, to conservative blogger. What stands out in the story he tells is not the change from one phase to another, but the continuity.

Then, the Brotherwise Dispatch interviewed me about policing, counterinsurgency, and torture.  The questions they asked are significantly more sophisticated than most.  I just hope my answers are as good.

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