Justice for Alan Blueford (November 2012)

When I was in Oakland a couple weeks ago, I gave a speech at a rally demanding justice of Alan Blueford, a young man shot and killed by the Oakland police.

The demonstration drew a crowd a few hundred strong. After hearing speeches from several people who had lost family to the cops, we marched to the police station, where I briefly spoke.

The text of my speech is below. To learn more about the Blueford case, and the organizing that has resulted, please visit: http://justice4alanblueford.org/

“Our demands should be an attack.”

We are here today, with grief and anger, because the police shot and killed Alan Blueford.

But not just Alan Blueford. We are here because the police killed Mack Woodfox, Jose Buenrostro-Gonzalez, Anita Gay, Oscar Grant — and so many others.

In a country where police kill, on average, 364 people per year — nearly one a day– and where 35% of these people are black, when the cops shoot a young black man it cannot be treated as an accident. It cannot be understood as a mistake. It is not even a crime in the ordinary sense.

When the cops kill people of color that is simply the normal operation of a racist institution in a grossly unequal society. That’s the job that the police are put there to do.

That role goes all the way back to the origin of the institution. The modern US police are the descendants of an older body called the slave patrols. Those patrols were militia organizations responsible for keeping slaves on the plantation and, more importantly, responding to or preventing slave revolts. As the country industrialized and urbanized, the slave patrols evolved and took on the characteristics of what we now recognize as a modern police force. And, tellingly, their mission expanded — not only the control of slaves, but free blacks and poor whites as well.

In the 200 years since, the form of inequality has changed — from slavery, to segregation, to legal equality masking social inequality — but the role of the police has remained remarkably constant. The police developed to control poor people and people of color, and they are still on that job today.

That suggests to me, very strongly, that the racism and violence of the police are not incidental, but are inherent features of the institution. And that means, among other things, that we cannot reform our way out of our police problem.

The twentieth century was the century of reform. We saw progressive campaigns against municipal corruption, mid-century efforts to professionalize the police force, then the introduction of military discipline, the emergence of community policing, diversity training, and the creation of advisory boards. And as a result, the police today are better paid, better trained, better organized, better armed than at any other point in history — and they continue to act as racist thugs. That core function of preserving inequality remains very much the same.

Our efforts, then, should not be directed toward fixing this institution — but toward destroying it. As we make our demands and plan our campaigns, this ultimate goal must always be kept in mind. We should pursue changes that de-legitimize, demoralize, discredit, and disempower the police and which, correspondingly, energize, embolden, and empower the community. When we demand justice, let us be clear that it is not the justice of the courts and the government, but the justice that abolishes courts and government that is required. Our very demands should be a form of attack.

Busy Weekend! (Bay Area, Nov 9, 10, 11)

I will be in the Bay Area this weekend, speaking at several events:

Friday, November 9, 7pm
Modern Times Bookstore

2919 24th Street, San Francisco
I will be discussing my collection, Hurt: Notes on Torture in a Modern Democracy, and a recent essay about grand jury resistance. Q and A to follow.

Saturday, November 10, noon
March Against Police Brutality and Against Racial Profiling

14th and Broadway, Oakland
I have been invited to speak about the police and racism, and will then be joining the march.

Saturday, November 10, 6pm
The Long Haul Infoshop

3124 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley
I’ll be talking about Hurt — specifically, about the experience of writing about torture, and how anarchism can help us understand it. Q and A to follow.

Sunday, November 11, 11am-5pm
Grand Jury Resistance Panel
The Hold-Out

2313 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland
I’ll be speaking alongside Richard Brown (of the SF8) and others on a panel about grand jury resistance. Free lunch!

Each event will be different.

Stop the Grand Jury Witch-Hunt (September 2012)

This Thursday, September 13, two anarchists will be headed to court in Seattle, facing subpoenas to a federal grand jury investigating radical political movements in the northwest. The most likely outcome is that they will both be jailed, not for anything they’ve done but simply for refusing to participate in the secret hearings.

The Committee Against Political Repression is asking people to fax petitions to US Attorney Jenny Durkan this Wednesday (September 12), demanding she end the grand jury investigation. The petition, and the fax number are here.

I wrote a short piece about the case for the CAPR website, explaining why I think the grand jury is dangerous and why it’s important to support those resisting.

I’m in good company: A bunch of other scholars, writers, and artists, including Noam Chomsky and David Graeber, have also written in support. And more than 350 organizations around the country have endorsed a statement of solidarity with those targeted by the investigation.

My full statement appears below. For updates on the case, visit: http://nopoliticalrepression.wordpress.com/

“These are attacks against the very principle of solidarity.”

The FBI and US Attorney are behaving almost exactly as one might expect. The Justice Department’s goons have been in the business of hunting subversives since J. Edgar Hoover helped to orchestrate the 1919 Palmer Raids. And the grand jury system — though originally intended as a safeguard against prosecutorial power — has been completely converted into a mechanism of bureaucratic inquisition. The use of these tools against anarchists in the wake of the Occupy movement is almost too predictable.

Still, there is something unseemly, and even disturbing, about men with assault rifles kicking down doors in order to seize anarchist literature, the summoning of activists to secret hearings where they will be ordered to name names, and the threats to jail people who are accused of nothing more than refusing to become government informants.

Such acts on the part of the state are offensive even from the perspective of Constitutionality. But they are something more than violations against individual rights. These are attacks against the very principle of solidarity, the notion that people might stand together and defend each other. They are efforts to foreclose on even the possibility that social movements might arise and challenge those who hold power in our society.

Therefore, those who refuse to testify before the grand jury, and who risk imprisonment for doing so, are acting to support all of those resisting oppression and fighting the injustices of our society. We must defend them in return.

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